30 October 2024 I Forbes: America’s Top Residential Architects
02 October 2024 I APW House in Residential Design
Johnsen Schmaling’s APW House is featured on the cover and in the pages of the current issue of Residential Design magazine: “Johnsen Schmaling understands —intellectually and intuitively— how to employ Modern architecture to curate views. The house conceals and reveals the landscape with a syncopation of solids and voids.”
27 September 2024 I Johnsen Schmaling wins Design Award
For the second year in a row, Johnsen Schmaling took home top honors in Milwaukee Magazine’s Home + Design Awards program: The Spring Harbor House was selected for the Gold Award in the Architecture Category. The project will be featured in the magazine’s upcoming October issue.
31 August 2024 I Johnsen Schmaling wins two AIA Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Adventure Rock bouldering gym was selected for an Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects in Wisconsin for overall architectural excellence. Johnsen Schmaling also received a Special Recognition Award for its Forest Retreat in Door County.
06 January 2024 I AIA New York Awards Jury
Johnsen Schmaling is an invited juror for this year’s AIA New York Design Awards. After two days of deliberations, the jury will present the winning entries on January 08 at a symposium in New York City.
22 December 2023 I Curtain House in The Wall Street Journal
27 September 2023 I Johnsen Schmaling wins Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling received the top award in Milwaukee Magazine’s inaugural Home + Design Awards program for the Curtain House, which was selected for the Gold Award in the Architecture category. The awards jury called the Curtain House “a bold addition to the neighborhood. It manages the challenge of fitting in and standing out at the same time.” The project will be featured in the magazine’s October issue.
21 August 2023 I AIA Pennsylvania Awards Jury Chair
Johnsen Schmaling is chairing the jury for this year’s Design Awards program of the American Institute of Architects in Pennsylvania. The juorors will convene in Milwaukee this week to review the submitted projects. Winners will be announced in November.
03 August 2023 I Johnsen Schmaling wins two AIA Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Egg Harbor Lodge II was selected for an Honor Award in this year’s design awards program from the American Institute of Architects in Wisconsin. The project, a multi-unit vacation rental in Door County, Wisconsin, was honored for overall architectural excellence. Johnsen Schmaling also received a Merit Award for 9th & Broadway, a multi-family housing project in Sacramento, California.
01 June 2023 I Metal Architecture Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Egg Harbor Lodge II won a 2023 Metal Architecture Design Award. Noting the “refined and expressive materiality” as well as the “refined juxtaposition of weathering steel and smooth surfaces,” the judges named the project this year’s winner in the Natural Metals category.
26 April 2023 I Lecture at AIA Wisconsin Convention
Johnsen Schmaling is speaking at the AA Wisconsin State Convention in Green Bay this afternoon to reflect on the first two decades of their practice and discuss current projects.
01 April 2023 I Curtain House in Architectural Record
The April issue of Architectural Record includes a feature on Johnsen Schmaling’s Curtain House, an urban infill residence on Milwaukee’s Lower East Side.
20 March 2023 I National Housing Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Flex House was selected as one of ten projects nationwide to receive a 2023 National Housing Design Award from the American Institute of Architects. The prestigious annual awards program honors design excellence in contemporary residential architecture, focusing on issues of sustainability, durability, and aesthetic innovation. The project previously won a 2022 AIA Wisconsin Honor Award and was featured in Architectural Record’s 2022 “Record Houses” issue.
16 March 2023 I New Book: “Contemporary Architects of America”
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is featured in the newly released book ”Contemporary Architects of America,” (Valencia, Spain: PQ Publishing, 2023), an anthology of “American architects who create stunning designs and spaces, who have pushed the boundaries of what is possible, and who have left an indelible mark on the landscape of America.”
15 March 2023 I RDAA Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Curtain House was selected for a 2023 Residential Design Architecture Award. The infill home with its distinctive louvered facade won a Citation in the Custom Urban House category and will be featured in the upcoming issue of Residential Design magazine.
05 March 2023 I New Book: “The Forever Home”
28 November 2022 I New Book: “150 Best Tiny Home Ideas”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Stacked Cabin is featured in the newly released anthology “150 Best Tiny Houses,” published by HarperCollins. The book “showcases the latest ideas of internationally renowned architects and designers who have devised beautiful, practical, and eco-friendly solutions for compact homes…”
07 October 2022 I Lecture at Sacramento State University
Johnsen Schmaling is the keynote speaker at the AIA Central Valley desigNarrative series that will kick off the chapter’s week-long Experience Architecture 2022.
15 September 2022 I National AIA Healthcare Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s design for Mantel Ortho, a state-of-the-art orthodontics clinic in Cedarburg, WI has been selected for a National Healthcare Design Award by the AIA and the Academy of Architecture for Health, one of only seven projects nationwide to receive the esteemed honor this year.
08 August 2022 I Johnsen Schmaling wins four AIA Awards
15 April 2022 I Architectural Record Panel
Johnsen Schmaling was one of three architects invited by Architectural Record to present their work in a panel discussion focusing on this year’s Record Houses winners. Johnsen Schmaling was joined by Thom Mayne of Los Angeles-based Morphosis and Caspar Mork-Ulnes of the eponymous studio from Norway.
31 March 2022 I “Record Houses” Award
16 February 2022 I New Book: “New American Architecture”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Kettle Moraine House is featured in the newly released book “New American Architecture: Global Design and Urbanism XXI”, published by Metropolitan Arts Press.
10 February 2022 I Spring Harbor House in RD magazine
The latest issue of Residential Design magazine includes a feature on Johnsen Schmaling’s Spring Harbor House in Madison, WI. “Johnsen Schmaling, one of the best firms in the nation, created a low-slung, ground-hugging dwelling… This is what modern design does best when it’s done well: it turns down the noise of the outside world and cradles us in a calming embrace.”
14 January 2022 I “Johnsen Schmaling: On Rigor”
26 October 2021 I American Architecture Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Kettle Moraine House was honored with a prestigious American Architecture Award by the Chicago Atheneum and the European Center for Architecture Art and Design. Selected by a jury of distinguished Australian architects, the Kettle Moraine House is the only project by a Wisconsin architect recognized in this year’s awards cycle.
23 August 2021 I Johnsen Schmaling wins two AIA Honor Awards
Two projects by Johnsen Schmaling were selected for 2021 design awards from the American Institute of Architects recognizing architectural excellence in Wisconsin. Flex House, an urban infill project in Sacramento, and Kettle Moraine House, a rural residence in Wisconsin, each received an Honor Award, the highest distinction.
06 July 2021 I Mantel Ortho in Architectural Record
15 June 2021 I Metal Architecture Design Award
15 May 2021 I Two RDAA Citations
Two Johnsen Schmaling projects have been selected for this year’s RD Architecture Awards. A jury of nationally recognized architects selected both Flex House and Kettle Moraine House for Citations. The projects will be featured in the upcoming issue of Residential Design magazine.
09 March 2021 I Metal Architecture magazine: “An Unlimited Spectrum”
17 February 2021 I Lecture at UC Berkeley
Johnsen Schmaling will give a lecture about their work today at the College of Environmental Design at UC Berkeley, part of the school’s architecture lecture series. The event will be live-streamed.
14 October 2020 I American Architecture Award
Johnsen Schmaling won a coveted 2020 American Architecture Award for OS Studio and Gallery, one of only a handful of projects nationwide recognized in the Museums and Cultural Buildings category. The building also was also selected for 2020 Honor Award from the AIA Wisconsin and featured last year in Metropolis magazine.
10 September 2020 I National Housing Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Broadway Housing was selected as one of only seven projects nationwide to receive a National Housing Design Award from the American Institute of Architects. The prestigious awards program honors design excellence in contemporary residential architecture, focusing in particular on issues of sustainability, durability, innovation, and social impact. The project also won a 2020 AIA Wisconsin Honor Award and was featured last fall in Architectural Record.
01 September 2020 I Kettle Moraine House in Dwell
Johnsen Schmaling’s recently completed Kettle Moraine House is featured in the September/October issue of Dwell: “The building comprises three long linear volumes, connected side-by-side but staggered horizontally, similar to the long-ago lobes that molded the ground below. It’s just one way in which the house blends with and settles into the landscape…”
14 July 2020 I ARCHITECT Features Block 27
Johnsen Schmaling’s Block 27, a small apartment building in Sacramento, CA, is featured in the current issue of ARCHITECT magazine: “Clad in a simple palette of cedar and cementitious stucco, the building’s façade grows increasingly transparent as it rises from a monolithic wooden base to a framed, open-air terrace on the third floor…(Block 27)thus bridges the divides between building typologies, between the low-lying residential area to the south and the increasingly tall commercial centers to the north.”
29 April 2020 I AIA Honor Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Gallery and Studio in Racine and Egg Harbor Lodge in Door County were selected by a jury of distinguished architects from around the country for two of this year’s three Honor Awards from the AIA Wisconsin, the highest distinction for architectural design excellence in the state. A third project by Johnsen Schmaling, D-Street Housing in Sacramento, CA, received an AIA Merit Award.
27 April 2020 I World Architecture Review
The Chinese magazine World Architecture Review, in its current issue, is dedicating a 40-page feature on Johnsen Schmaling that includes a critical review of seven recent projects, an essay on Johnsen Schmaling’s work by Karl Wallick, and an interview with Brian Johnsen and Sebastian Schmaling.
17 March 2020 I Lecture at Jade University
Johnsen Schmaling will lecture this evening on recent work at the School of Architecture at Jade University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg, Germany.
10 March 2020 I RDAA Jury
Johnsen Schmaling is a juror for the inaugural Residential Design Architecture Awards program, organized by RD magazine. The jury is convening over the next two days in Chicago.
18 November 2019 I HIVE 50 Innovation in Housing Award
Johnsen Schmaling was named one of this year’s “HIVE 50 Design Innovators” by Hanley Wood for their work on Oak Park Housing. The award recognizes “Johnsen Schmaling’s contribution in the disruption and transformation of the way we think.” The award will be presented at the HIVE conference in Austin on December 04.
01 October 2019 I Broadway Housing in “Architectural Record”
20 August 2019 I AIA Northwest Design Awards Jury
Johnsen Schmaling is a juror in the 2019 AIA Northwest and Pacific Region design awards program. The awards, which honor noteworthy architectural projects in Washington, Orgon, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii,and Alaska, will be presented on September 18 in Bozeman, MT.
01 August 2019 I Johnsen Schmaling in “Metropolis”
01 June 2019 I Oak Park in “Residential Design”
The latest issue of the Residential Design magazine is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Oak Park Housing.
09 May 2019 I AIA Honor Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Broadway Housing in Sacramento, CA won an Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects in Wisconsin, the highest distinction to recognize overall architectural design excellence.
02 May 2019 I National AIA Housing Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Oak Park Housing was selected for a National Housing Design Awards by the American Institute of Architects, one of 10 projects from around North America that “exemplify the best of contemporary residential architecture, showing the world how beauty, safety, sustainability, and comfort can come together…”
01 May 2019 I Oak Park in “Architekt”
The latest issue of the Austrian design magazine “Architekt” focuses on innovative housing around the world and is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Oak Park Housing project in Sacramento, CA.
17 April 2019 I Dallas Architecture Forum Lecture
Johnsen Schmaling is speaking tonight at the Dallas Architecture Forum. The lecture will focus on the conceptual evolution of Johnsen Schmaling’s recent work.
11 April 2019 I Wright Lecture
Johnsen Schmaling will be giving the F.L. Wright lecture tonight at Monona Terrace in Madison, WI.
08 March 2019 I Lecture at Mississippi State
Johnsen Schmaling will be at the College of Architecture, Art and Design at Mississippi State University this evening to give a lecture on their recent work, part of the school’s Harrison Lecture Series.
06 March 2019 I G&G Magazine Feature
The latest issue of the Italian design magazine G&G is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Stacked Cabin and Studio for a Composer.
01 March 2019 I Sacramento Home Magazine
The latest issue of Sacramento Home magazine includes a feature on Johnsen Schmaling Architects’ Oak Park Housing project.
23 February 2019 I Lecture at TxA Design Conference
Johnsen Schmaling is a keynote speaker at Texas Society of Architects’ TxA Design Conference in Tulsa, OK. The theme of the conference, “Unexpected,” explores contemporary architecture in unexpected environments.
29 October 2018 I AIA East Bay Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling is a juror this year’s design awards program organized by AIA East Bay, honoring noteworthy architectural projects in San Francisco’s Bay area.
08 October 2018 I Lecture in Cincinnati
Johnsen Schmaling is speaking tonight at the National AIA/CRAN Symposium in Cincinnati. The lecture will focus on Johnsen Schmaling’s elaborate design process, in which the poetic reading of context translates into an abstract architectural narrative that informs the entire evolution of a project, from initial conceptual ideas to the development of intricate construction details.
01 October 2018 I Exhibit: “Johnsen Schmaling: Simulacra”
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is the focus of an exhibit currently on display at UWM’s Gallery of Architecture & Urbanism. The exhibit explores five recent projects, featuring drawings, models, and photography that represent a cross section of Johnsen Schmaling’s critically acclaimed work. The show will be open through November 02.
10 September 2018 I Architectural Digest: Pleated House
Architectural Digest is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Pleated House in a set of videos that showcase the building and explore the client’s journey through the design process. Click to view: Inspired by History or Experience the Pleated House.
01 August 2018 I Metal Architecture Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling is a juror in the 2018 Metal Architecture Design Awards program, a national competition for innovative design solutions utilizing metal building systems and materials in projects from around the country.
31 July 2018 I Pleated House in “Architecture Bois”
The current issue of the French magazine “Architecture Bois” features Johnsen Schmaling’s Pleated House. The article concludes: “Cette fusion, entre le confort et la simplicité, la modernité et le naturel, rend cette maison unique en son genre.”
12 June 2018 I American Architecture Awards
Two projects by Johnsen Schmaling, Oak Park Housing in Sacramento and Belay MKE in Milwaukee, were honored with an American Architecture Award, considered one of North America’s most distinguished awards for new and cutting-edge design in the United States. The winning projects will be part of an upcoming traveling exhibit in venues here and abroad, organized by the Chicago Athenaeum and the European Centre for Architecture and Art.
30 May 2018 I Johnsen Schmaling wins Marvin Architects Challenge
09 May 2018 I Two Projects Honored with AIA Awards
Johnsen Schmaling Architects won two design awards from the American Institute of Architects honoring architectural excellence in Wisconsin. Oak Park Housing was selected for Honor Awards, the highest recognition; Suture, a small architectural intervention in a historic mansion in Milwaukee, received a Merit Award.
12 April 2018 I New Book: “Small Innovative Houses”
05 April 2018 I New Book: “Anatomy of a Great Home”
09 March 2018 I Oak Park Housing in “Architect”
02 March 2018 I AN Top 50 Interior Architects
07 December 2017 I New Book: “Excellence in Wood Architecture”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Linear Cabin is featured in “Excellence in Wood Architecture,” a new book edited by Theresa Rogers featuring projects across North America that were honored in the 2017 American Wood Design Awards program.
31 October 2017 I New Book: “The American House”
26 October 2017 I Bayshore Dental wins Project of the Year Award
Johnsen Schmaling Architects’ design for Bayshore Dental was selected as the Project of the Year in the 2017 Dental Office Design Competition, a national awards program sponsored by the American Dental Association honoring outstanding achievement in the design of dental clinics. In addition, the jury selected Bayshore Dental for the Design Innovation Award, which recognizes new concepts in dental office design that “make a measurable impact on patient experience and operational efficiency.”
22 September 2017 I New Book: “Black: Architecture in Monochrome”
10 September 2017 I New Book: “New American Architecture”
Johnsen Schmaling’s 510 House and Linear Cabin are featured in the newly released book “New American Architecture. Global Design + Urbanism” by Christian Narkiewicz-Laine (Dublin, Ireland: Metropolitan Arts Press, 2017), an anthology of winning projects of the 2017 American Architecture Awards program.
05 September 2017 I Metal Architecture: Belay MKE
Johnsen Schmaling’s Belay MKE project is featured in the September 2017 issue of Metal Architecture magazine: “Belay MKE is building that embraces its large scale… its elegant articulated skin embodies local history and advertises the building’s unique program.”
28 August 2017 I Profile in Residential Design magazine
24 July 2017 I 2017 National Healthcare Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s design for Bayshore Dental, a state-of-the-art dental clinic in Milwaukee, has been selected for a National Healthcare Design Award by the AIA and the Academy of Architecture for Health, one of only seven projects nationwide to receive this esteemed honor this year. The awards were announced at the American College of Healthcare Architects’ Leadership Summit in Chicago last week.
17 May 2017 I Three AIA Honor Awards
Three of this year’s four top design awards from the American Institute of Architects in Wisconsin went to work by Johnsen Schmaling Architects. Selected by a jury of accomplished architects from around the country, the three projects – Belay MKE, 510 House, and Bayshore Dental – each received a 2017 AIA Honor Award, the highest recognition for overall design excellence.
17 April 2017 I Belay MKE in “Architect”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Belay MKE, a rock-climbing gym with 46 apartment units at the edge of downtown Milwaukee, is featured in the current issue of Architect magazine: “Johnsen Schmaling Architects forged a design that deploys the ‘big box’ necessary for the program without that typology’s typically anti-urban aspects… An unapologetically raw yet refined building, it is clad in corrugated panels of weathering steel with a flat, bent-plate detail denoting each floor line.”
15 April 2017 I Financial Times: “Contemporary Cabins”
01 April 2017 I Two American Architecture Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s 510 House and Linear Cabin each won a 2017 American Architecture Award, presented by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and The European Centre for Architecture and Art “to honor design excellence and important contributions to innovative contemporary American architecture.” Now in its 23rd year, the American Architecture Awards are the nation’s highest public honors given by a non-commercial, public arts and culture institution.
01 March 2017 I Architectural Record: “510 House”
The March 2017 issue of Architectural Record features Johnsen Schmaling’s 510 House in Fox Point, Wisconsin, calling the building “a vibrantly colored house in suburban Milwaukee that projects shades of summer all year long… Organized around perpendicular axes of activity, the home’s layout contributes to an extraordinary sense of order and peacefulness, while material and color choices help the building harmonize with its forested context.”
12 January 2017 I Johnsen Schmaling wins Wood Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Linear Cabin received a 2016 Wood Design Award, one of 16 American and international projects honored in the prestigious annual Wood Design Awards program for “pushing the boundaries of what is considered excellence in architecture and design.” This year’s jurors included Peter Bohlin (Bohlin Cywinski Jackson), Patricia Patkau (Patkau Architects), and Brian Court (The Miller Hull Partnership). The winning projects will be published in the upcoming issue of Wood Design & Building magazine.
10 September 2016 I Revista Decor: “Encanto Singular”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House is featured in the current issue of the Brazilian design magazine Revista Decor: “The project unites with perfection the clean, angular architectural lines of the building with the gently sloping natural surroundings.”
01 September 2016 I American Architecture Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Pleated House received a 2016 American Architecture Award. The American Architectural Awards program, organized by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and The European Centre for Architecture and Art, is considered one of North America’s most distinguished building awards competition for new and cutting-edge design in the United States. Winning projects will exhibited this winter in Chicago, Athens and Istanbul.
05 August 2016 I Architect magazine: “Linear Cabin”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Linear Cabin is featured in the current issue of Architect magazine, calling it “a sparse yet striking arrangement of three rectilinear boxes separated by two voids.”
05 July 2016 I National AIA Small Project Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Linear Cabin won a National Small Project Award from the American Institute of Architects, one of only nine projects selected from around the United States. The AIA awards jury called the project a “beautiful minimalist cabin in the woods – deceptively simple, yet immaculately detailed… It reminds us that size is indeed irrelevant when it comes to architectural aspirations.”
21 June 2016 I New Book: “150 Best Tiny Houses”
28 April 2016 I AIA Honor and Merit Awards
Johnsen Schmaling Architects won three of this year’s eight design awards from the American Institute of Architects honoring architectural excellence in Wisconsin. Both the Linear Cabin and Redux House were both selected for Honor Awards, the highest recognition, and Mountain House in Montana received a Merit Award.
09 March 2016 I Fitzhugh Scott Chairs in Design Excellence
02 March 2016 I MCHAP Nomination
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House was nominated for the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP), which recognizes exceptional architecture built in the Americas. Nominated projects will be on display in the MCHAO Exhibition at IIT’s Crown Hall.
03 January 2016 I Topo House in Casa Mea
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House is featured in the January 2016 issue of the Bulgarian design magazine Casa Mea.
03 December 2015 I New Book: “Contemporary Wood Buildings”
25 November 2015 I New Book: “Light in Landscape & Architecture”
06 November 2015 I Architect’s Newspaper: Johnsen Schmaling
The new issue of Architect’s Newspaper includes a feature on Johnsen Schmaling and its work and design methodology, “Their award-winning projects are highly detailed, materially rich forms designed for a clientele interested in a journey of discovery... With their work continually receiving attention from press and award juries nationally and internationally, Johnsen Schmaling is quickly establishing themselves as a critical practice to watch.”
20 October 2015 I Topo House featured in Umran magazine
07 October 2015 I American Architecture Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House received a 2015 American Architecture Award. The American Architectural Awards program, organized by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and The European Centre for Architecture and Art, is considered one of North America’s most distinguished building awards competition for new and cutting-edge design in the United States. This year, the Museum received a record number of projects for new buildings, landscape architecture, and urban planning from the most important firms practicing globally. Winning projects will exhibited this winter in Chicago and Athens.
28 September 2015 I New Book: “Architecture in its Purest Form”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Studio for a Composer is feature in a new book by Sibylle Kramer, “Rough Style: Architecture, Interior, Design” (Zurich, Berlin: Braun Publishing, 2015), focusing on “the emerging aesthetic trajectory of ‘perfect imperfection’ – an architectural language that feature traces of the past in combination with rigorous design concepts,” and calling Johnsen Schmaling’s project “architecture in its purest form.”
19 August 2015 I National WWI Memorial Finalist
02 August 2015 I Architectural Record: “Pleated House”
01 August 2015 I Architectural Review: “New States of Play”
Johnsen Schmaling Architects appears in an essay in the current issue of Architectural Review, in which the architectural critic Raymund Ryan argues that the “crucibles of architectural creativity are not found in New York or Los Angeles, but in the regional centers of the United States.” He concludes: “It should be increasingly plausible for the ambitious young architect deliberately to leave the Coasts and, like Johnsen Schmaling in Milwaukee or De Leon & Primmer in Louisville, establish meaningful, critical practices away from the metropolitan centres.”
23 June 2015 I New Book: “Emerging Voices: Form, Idea, and Resonance”
09 June 2015 I New Book: Out of Scale
04 June 2015 I Keynote Lecture in Cincinnati
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will be in Cincinnati today to give the Keynote Design Lecture, part of this year’s AIA Vision lecture series. The lecture will take place at Northern Kentucky University.
06 May 2015 I Residential Architect Design Award
22 April 2015 I AIA Honor and Merit Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Pleated House received a 2015 Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects in Wisconsin, the highest recognition for architectural excellence in the state. In addition, Johnsen Schmaling’s Nexus House won a 2015 Merit Award.
20 April 2015 I Dwell: “El Topo Rises”
15 April 2015 I New Book: “Spatial Strategies”
10 April 2015 I “Meeting in the Mountains”
18 March 2015 I New Book: “Small Houses Designed by Architects”
11 March 2015 I “Preisgekrönt in der Prärie”
10 March 2015 I National AIA Small Projects Award
06 March 2015 I Lecture at the UWM School of Architecture
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will lecture today on their work at the UWM School of Architecture & Urban Planning.
03 March 2015 I Lakefront Gateway Plaza Finalist
Johnsen Schmaling Architects is part of the multi-disciplinary design team that was named a finalist in Milwaukee’s ambitious lakefront redesign competition. The team, led by the Office of James Burnett, an internationally renown landscape architecture firm, is one of four finalists selected from a pool of 24 submissions from around the country.
19 February 2015 I Johnsen Schmaling at the Nevada Museum of Art
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will lecture on their work tonight at the Nevada Museum of Art in Reno, part of the museum’s Black Rock Design Institute’s lecture series.
17 February 2015 I New Book: “150 Best Interior Ideas”
05 January 2015 I Architectural Digest: “Ten Architects to Watch”
02 January 2015 I Johnsen Schmaling in MD
31 December 2014 I “10 of the Most Fabulous Houses of 2014”
07 November 2014 I New Book: “Sustainable Houses"
29 October 2014 I Lecture at the San Antonio Museum of Art
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will lecture tonight on their work at the San Antonio Museum of Art.
27 October 2014 I New Book: “Innovative Houses”
05 October 2014 I Johnsen Schmaling Keynote Lecture
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will deliver the Keynote Design Lecture today at this year’s AIA Kentucky and Indiana Convention in Fort Wayne.
15 September 2014 I New Book: “The Architecture of Cabins and Hideouts”
11 September 2014 I Topo House in Architect’s Newspaper
Architect’s Newspaper is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House in its current issue.
01 September 2014 I Johnsen Schmaling in a+a
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House is featured in the September issue of a+a, the design journal published by the Architectural Society of China. The feature includes an interview with Johnsen Schmaling about contemporary notions of contextuality and the reciprocal relationship between architecture and nature.
22 July 2014 I AIA Kentucky Design Awards Jury
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will chair the jury for the 2014 AIA Kentucky Design Awards program.
10 July 2014 I Home Review: “Savings for Life”
01 July 2014 I AIA Indiana Design Awards Jury
Johnsen Schmaling Architects was selected to chair this year’s AIA Indiana Design Awards jury.
28 May 2014 I Fine Homebuilding: Redaction House
12 May 2014 I 2014 Residential Architect Design Awards
07 May 2014 I AIA Wisconsin Honor Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Redaction House won an Honor Award from the American Institute in Wisconsin, the highest recognition for architectural excellence in the state.
02 May 2014 I Johnsen Schmaling in Architectural Record
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House is featured in the May issue of Architectural Record.
01 May 2014 I Topo House in Designer & Designing
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House is featured in the May issue of the Chinese architecture magazine Designer & Designing.
28 April 2014 I New Book: “New Directions in Sustainable Architecture”
24 April 2014 I Johnsen Schmaling in Legno Architettura
22 April 2014 I Lecture at Arts Club of Chicago
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will lecture today on their work at the Arts Club of Chicago.
18 April 2014 I Rizzoli book features Johnsen Schmaling
Two Johnsen Schmaling Projects are included in the newly released book by Stephen Snyder, “A Place in the Sun” (New York, NY: Rizzoli, 2014), which features twenty-eight “superbly designed and environmentally responsible contemporary homes” from around the country.
16 April 2014 I Johnsen Schmaling in Phaidon Atlas
The editors of the Phaidon Atlas have selected two projects by Johnsen Schmaling for Phaidon’s comprehensive catalogue of notable architecture around the world, the only buildings designed by a Wisconsin architect to be included in this global anthology.
07 April 2014 I National AIA Housing Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s “Topo House” was selected by the American Institute of Architects as one of ten residential projects nationwide to be honored with this year’s AIA Housing Design Award.
10 March 2014 I New Book: “Compact Houses”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Urban Infills and Stacked Cabin are featured in Oscar Mira’s book “Compact Houses (Barcelona, Spain: Monsa, 2014).
01 March 2014 I Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize Nomination
The work of Johnsen Schmaling Architects has been nominated for the inaugural Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize for Emerging Architecture, which recognizes the most distinguished built constructs of the North and South American continents.
20 February 2014 I New Book: "Sustainable Houses"
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House is extensively featured in the newly released book “Sustainable Houses” by Katerina Dalkou (Athens, Greece: Kitrio, 2014
13 February 2014 I Two National AIA Small Project Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House and Redaction House each won a 2014 National Small Project Design Award from the American Institute of Architects. The awards will be formally presented on June 26 at the National AIA Convention in Chicago. Both projects will be featured in an upcoming issue of Architect magazine.
01 December 2013 I Johnsen Schmaling in Häuser
Johnsen Schmaling’s Stacked Cabin is featured in the current issue of the German design magazine Häuser, praising the elegance and subtlety of the architecture; "With its exposed concrete, black anodized metal, and red cedar, the building literally amalgamates with the colors of the forest."
01 December 2013 I "Metal Celebration in Five Parts"
Johnsen Schmaling’s Studio for a Composer is featured in the current issue of Metal Architecture magazine as a project exemplifying the use of metal in contemporary architecture.
16 November 2013 I House Trends: “Casa Na Floresta”
13 November 2013 I Lecture at Ohio State
Johnsen Schmaling will be at the Knowlton School of Architecture at Ohio State University this evening to lecture on their recent work.
25 October 2013 I New Book: “Eco Living”
15 October 2013 I Johnsen Schmaling in A+A
20 September 2013 I AIA Columbus Design Awards Jury
Johnsen Schmaling is chairing the jury for this year’s AIA Columbus Design Awards.
01 August 2013 I AIA “Design: Art+Science”
18 July 2013 I Designer & Designing magazine
The current issue of the Shanghai-based architecture journal Designer & Designing includes an interview with Johnsen Schmaling Architects and an article about Johnsen Schmaling’s Stacked Cabin.
03 July 2013 I Elle Décor Russia: “Shades of Green”
The Russian edition of Elle Décor is featuring an article about Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House in its July/August issue.
09 June 2013 I New Book: “100 Contemporary Green Buildings”
02 June 2013 I Johnsen Schmaling in Architect magazine
The June issue of Architect magazine includes two Johnsen Schmaling’s projects, the Studio for a Composer in Spring Prairie, Wisconsin, and the Nexus House in Madison, Wisconsin, both recipients of this year’s National AIA Small Project Awards.
01 June 2013 I Metal Architecture Design Awards Jury
Johnsen Schmaling served as a juror for this year’s National Metal Architecture Design Awards, honoring North America’s most innovative projects using metal as a distinctive design element.
31 May 2013 I OS House featured in Umran magazine
Umran, the Saudi Arabian architecture magazine, is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House in its June issue, focusing on the building’s sustainable features.
08 May 2013 I Topo House wins AIA Honor Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Topo House wins a 2013 Honor Award from the American Institue of Architects in Wisconsin, one of this year’s two top AIA awards for architectural excellence in the state.
12 April 2013 I JSA in Fine Homebuilding
The current Houses Awards issue of Fine Homebuilding magazine is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Nexus House and the Studio for a composer.
11 April 2013 I Lecture at the University of North Carolina
Brian Johnsen and Sebastian Schmaling were named the 2013 CriticalMass Visiting Critics at the University of North Carolina College of Art and Architecture. Both will be in Charlotte, NC tonight to lecture on their work.
05 April 2013 I Two National AIA Small Project Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Nexus House and Studio for a Composer each won a 2013 National Small Project Design Award from the American Institute of Architects. The awards will be formally presented on June 21 at the National AIA Convention in Denver. Both projects will be featured in the May 2013 issue of Fine Homebuilding magazine.
11 March 2013 I Lecture at North Carolina State University
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will lecture today on their work at North Carolina State University’s College of Design in Raleigh, NC.
01 March 2013 I Metal Architecture: “JSA: A Collaborative Approach”
The current issue of Metal Architecture magazine features a detailed profile of Johnsen Schmaling Architects, surveying its design methodology and the “innovative, poetic, and precise” use of metal in its body of work.
21 February 2013 I “Poetic Architecture: Three works by Johnsen Schmaling”
The current issue of ofARCH, the Milan-based international magazine of architecture, dedicates an extensive feature on the work of Johnsen Schmaling Architects. The article reviews three recent projects to illustrate Johnsen Schmaling’s “pure, unpretentious American Modernism,” calling the work “a sober, restrained and poetic architecture.”
15 February 2013 I Construir: “Passagem Differenciada”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Blatz Bottle Doors are featured in the February issue of the Brazilian architecture magazine Construir.
10 February 2013 I Camouflage House in Umran magazine
This month’s issue of the Saudi Arabian architecture magazine Umran includes a detailed article on Johnsen Schmaling’s Camouflage House.
08 February 2013 I Lecture at the University of Kansas
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will lecture today on their work at the University of Kansas School of Architecture, Design & Planning. The lecture will take place at the university’s Spencer Museum of Art.
1 February 2013 I OS House in Casa Naturale
25 January 2013 I New Book: “Ecohouse”
14 January 2013 I Stacked Cabin in Greenhome
Johnsen Schmaling’s Stacked Cabin is featured in a detailed article in the current issue of Greenhome, a leading German magazine on sustainable residential architecture and design.
08 January 2013 I Lecture in Germany
02 January 2013 I Stacked Cabin on the cover of Dwell
Johnsen Schmaling’s Stacked Cabin is written up in the February issue of Dwell magazine and featured on its cover, calling it “a reinvention of the archetypal cabin.”
13 December 2012 I New Book: “Green Architecture Now, Vol.2”
06 December 2012 I “Top 30: Gruene Architektur”
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House, along with such projects as Herzog & de Meuron’s Caixa Forum and Brad Pitt’s Make it Right Foundation, made the “Top 30 in Green Architecture” list of SI Gruen, the sustainability-focused sister publication of Schweizer Illustrierte, Switzerland’s largest magazine. The list, featured in this month’s issue, showcases 30 projects from around the world that “exemplify unique ecological visions for the built environment.”
09 November 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling in Moscow
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is part of an exhibit at “Green Project 2012”, an international architecture festival organized by the Russian Union of Architects, opening today at the Central House of Artists in Moscow. The exhibit, which will be accompanied by an extensive catalogue, will subsequently travel to Kiev, Berlin and Stuttgart.
05 November 2012 I Chicago Home magazine: “Modest Modern”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Stacked Cabin is featured in the current issue of Chicago Home + Garden magazine, which calls the project “an ingeniously minimalist house that redefines ‘cabin’ on a wooded hillside in Wisconsin…”
01 November 2012 I New Book: “Guidelines on Sustainable Architecture”
19 October 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling in Chicago
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will speak today at the Ninth Annual Reinvention Symposium in Chicago and participate in a panel discussion on “Responsive Modern Design.”
11 October 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling Lecture in California
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will be in Santa Rosa, CA, tonight to lecture on their recent work. The presentation is part of the 2012 NXNC Lecture Series, organized by the Empire Redwood chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
04 October 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling in New York
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will be in New York today to present their current work at the 10th Annual Innovation Conference in New York and participate in a panel discussion with three other Design Vanguard alumni, moderated by Architectural Record’s Clifford Pearson.
01 October 2012 I New book: “World’s Best Houses”
27 September 2012 I New Book:”Bars”
15 September 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling Lecture
Johnsen Schmaling will lecture today on their work at the AIA Convention in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
05 September 2012 I “Firm of the Year” Award
Praising the “stoic brilliance” of Johnsen Schmaling’s work, Residential Architect magazine, published by the American Institute of Architects, has selected Johnsen Schmaling Architects for its 2012 “Firm of the Year” award. The magazine will profile the office in its October issue, writing: “Johnsen Schmaling has accumulated a portfolio of some of the strongest work in the country – locally inspired, national in caliber, and environmentally aware...”
04 September 2012 I Stacked Cabin featured in Architectural Record
Johnsen Schmaling Architects’ Stacked Cabin is Architectural Record’s “House of the Month.” It is featured in an article in the magazine’s September issue, calling it “a perfect place to leave it all behind.”
01 September 2012 I OS House featured in Exkema
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House is one of three international projects profiled in the Autumn 2012 issue of Exkema magazine, published by the Colombian Academy of Architecture and Design.
08 August 2012 I AIA St. Louis Design Awards Jury
Johnsen Schmaling Architects is chairing the jury of this year’s AIA St. Louis Design Awards program.
09 July 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling wins Metal Architecture Design Award
08 July 2012 I Exhibition: “Genius Loci”
Models, drawings, and photographs of Johnsen Schmaling’s work are featured in the exhibition “Genius Loci – Learning from Nature’s Muse” at the Brushwood Gallery at Ryerson Woods in Chicago, which opens today and runs through August 31, 2012. The exhibition shows “the work of ten artists and designers from around the country and explores how art, architecture, and design can be transformed by the lessons derived from the specifics of different ecosystems and natural regions.”
01 July 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling in Azure
Johnsen Schmaling’s Studio for a Composer is featured in this month’s 2012 AZ Awards issue of Azure magazine.
15 June 2012 I Abitare Oggi: Come reinventarsi l’esistente
Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House is featured in an article in this month’s issue of the Italian magazine Abitare Oggi.
05 June 2012 I New book: “Green Homes”
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House is profiled in the recently released book “Green Homes” by Yang Sun (Shenyang, China: Liaoning Science and Technology Publishers, 2012), an international anthology of “noteworthy sustainable dwellings from around the world.”
03 June 2012 I Azero: “Una casa LEED Platinum con vista sul lago”
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House is the subject of a detailed article in the current issue of Azero, an Italian journal by Edico Medizioni with a focus on sustainable architecture and design.
31 May 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling Lecture in Omaha
Johnsen Schmaling will lecture tonight at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts on their recent work as part of the 2012 Architectural Lecture Series organized by AIA Omaha.
04 May 2012 I Forbes: 10 Cool Camouflage Homes
14 May 2012 I Two National AIA Small Project Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Stacked Cabin and OS House won two 2012 Small Project Design Awards from the American Institute of Architects. The awards will be formally announced May 18 at the National AIA Convention in Washington, D.C.
12 May 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling Lecture at Drury University
Johnsen Schmaling will lecture today on their work at the Hammons School of Architecture at Drury University.
02 May 2012 I Two 2012 AIA Honor Awards
30 April 2012 I 2011 International Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House won an Honorable Mention in the 2012 International Design Awards program. This year’s IDA jury included editors of prominent design publications such as Topos, Azure, House Beautiful, and Architects’ Newspaper.
25 April 2012 I New Book: Guide to Sustainable Facility Planning
27 March 2012 I AIA Design Awards Jury
Johnsen Schmaling is chairing the jury for this year’s AIA Springfield Design Awards.
21 March 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling in Baltimore
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will present their work tonight at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore and participate in a subsequent panel discussion on the topic of craft in contemporary architecture, moderated by Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson.
25 February 2012 I New Book: “100 Contemporary Houses”
20 February 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling wins two 2012 RA Design Awards
Two buildings by Johnsen Schmaling Architects, Stacked Cabin and Studio for a Composer, received 2012 Residential Architect Design Awards. The projects will be featured in the May/June issue of Residential Architect magazine.
30 January 2012 I New Book: “Global Architecture Today”
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is profiled in the forthcoming book “Global Architecture Today” by Suky Li (Shanghai: D&D, 2012), an anthology of contemporary buildings from leading international designers.
15 February 2012 I Johnsen Schmaling wins Custom Home Merit Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Studio for a Composer won a 2012 Merit Award from Custom Home Magazine.
15 January 2012 I Layton Pavilion in Landscape Architecture China
10 January 2012 I “Best Green Houses”
09 December 2011 I Annual Design Review Award
Johnsen Schmaling Architects won top honors in the 2011 Annual Design Review, a juried competition recognizing the best built projects completed in America over the last year. Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House, along with the other winning entries, will be featured in the December issue of Architect magazine.
07 December 2011 I CNN’s “Greenest Buildings of 2011”
01 December 2011 I Design Vanguard 2011
30 November 2011 I “Casa Camaleão”Arquitectura & Construção
07 November 2011 I Reforma: “Acentos policromáticos”
04 November 2011 I Fred Bernstein: “Less is More”
18 October 2011 I GQ Italia: “Il club tra i due fiumi”
The Italian Edition of GQ is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar in its October issue.
10 October 2011 I Ville E Case Prefabbricate
Johnsen Schmaling’s residential work is highlighted in an article in the current issue of the Italian magazine Ville E Case Prefabbricate.
03 October 2011 I “Green Architecture in the City”
The October issue of the Chinese magazine “Life Element” focuses on sustainable architecture and includes a 12-page article on Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House.
01 October 2011 I Blur Loft featured in new book
Johnsen Schmaling’s Blur Loft is featured in the newly released book “21st Century Architecture: Apartment Living” by Beth Brown (Sydney, Australia: IPG, 2011). The book is a collection of “new and inspiring apartment interiors designed by leading international architects.”
15 September 2011 I Architype Review Award: OS House
Architype Review selected the OS House as one of sixteen global projects for its current issue focusing on sustainable architecture.
01 August 2011 I "International Commercial Spaces"
Johnsen Schmaling's work is featured in Lin Li's newly released book "International Commercial Spaces" (Beijing: Hauzhong University of Science and Technology Press, 2011).
02 June 2011 I AIA Chicago Small Projects Awards
Johnsen Schmaling is an invited juror for the 2011 AIA Chicago Small Projects Awards.
01 June 2011 I OS in Häuser, Grand Designs, Eco Structure
The German architecture magazine Häuser is featuring the OS House in its June 2011 issue, calling it an “exemplary fusion of architectural excellence and sustainability.” The project also appears in the July 2011 issue of the British magazine Grand Designs and in the July/August 2011 issue of Eco-Structure, highlighting this year’s winners of the AIA/COTE Top Ten Awards.
12 May 2011 I OS House in Shanghai magazine
The Bund, one of China’s premiere weekly magazines, has a cover story about Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House in its current issue.
04 May 2011 I 2011 AIA Honor Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Layton Pavilion received a 2011 Honor Award from the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. It is the twelfth AIA Wisconsin Design Award for projects by Johnsen Schmaling in the last seven years.
03 May 2011 I Ferrous House in Deco
Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House is featured in this month’s issue of the Taiwanese design magazine Deco.
01 May 2011 I New Book: “Excellence in Wood Structures”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Camouflage House is included in the newly released book “Excellence in Wood Structures,” edited by Bernadette Johnson (CWC: Ottawa, 2011). The book documents the winning projects of the 2009-2010 North American Wood Design Awards.
01 May 2011 I OS House in IAOC
A feature article about Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House appears in the May 2011 issue of Interior Architecture of China magazine.
21 April 2011 I AIA Central Pennsylvania Lecture
Johnsen Schmaling is delivering this year’s AIA Central Pennsylvania spring lecture in York, PA
18 April 2011 I 2011 AIA/COTE Green Projects Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House has been named one of the Top Ten Green Projects in North America by the American Institute of Architects. The prestigious AIA/COTE award will be presented at this year’s AIA National Convention in New Orleans.
16 April 2011 I “Country House Architecture + Design”
Johnsen Schmaling Architects is featured in the new book “Masterpieces: Country House Architecture + Design” by Michelle Galindo (Berlin: Braun, 2011). The book “showcases 60 of the best of contemporary designs worldwide, featuring the work of well-known architects and innovative designers who pay their respect to nature…”
23 March 2011 I 2011 National AIA Small Project Award
Johnsen Schmaling received a National AIA Small Project Award for its Layton Pavilion, an austere concrete structure that functions as a gatehouse between a suburban parking lot and a provisional green space.
18 March 2011 I 2011 National AIA Housing Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling Architects won a 2011 National AIA Housing Design Award for OS House, a LEED Platinum-certified residence in Racine, Wisconsin. The project was extensively featured in the New York Times last fall and is Johnsen Schmaling’s fourth residential project honored nationally by the AIA.
17 March 2011 I 2011 Custom Home Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House received a 2011 Merit Award from Custom Home Magazine, where the project will be featured in the June 2011 issue.
01 March 2011 I 2011 RA Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House received a 2011 Residential Architect Design Award, one of only nine custom homes from around the country to win the honor. The project will be featured in the May/June issue of Residential Architect magazine.
30 January 2011 I “High Performance Jewel Box”
The January/February issue of GreenSource magazine is featuring an article on Johnsen Schmaling’s LEED Platinum-certified OS House: “The house incorporates many sustainable features; its humble size and careful siting are a testament to the successful balance of architectural control with prescriptive performance design.”
09 January 2011 I EcoHome features Ferrous House
This month’s issue of EcoHome magazine is taking a look at Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House from an environmental perspective and concludes: “A brighter house emerges, proving that salvage can trump starting from scratch.”
27 December 2010 I New Book: “Architecture Highlights”
The newly released book “Architecture Highlights,” edited by Hu Yanli and He Jiaxin, is featuring two projects by Johnsen Schmaling Architects (Hong Kong: Shanglin, 2010).
20 December 2010 I RA 50: Johnsen Schmaling Architects
Johnsen Schmaling Architects is profiled in Residential Architect magazine’s “RA 50 – a short list of leading architects whose names keep rising to the top,” featured in the publication’s December issue.
01 December 2010 I OS House featured in Indian magazine
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House is featured in this month’s issue of Society Interiors magazine, one of India’s leading interior design publications.
12 October 2010 I Metropolis: “The Anti-McMansion”
Johnsen Schmaling’s OS House is featured in the October issue of Metropolis magazine: “In a striking lakefront residence, Johnsen Schmaling deftly blends modernism, sustainability, and modesty... The architects created a bold – and LEED Platinum-rated – modernist box, its Miesian sobriety softened by judicious splashes of color, a mix of natural and industrial materials, and a blurring of inside and outside spaces.”
05 October 2010 I New Book: “Individualdesign”
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is featured in the newly released book “Individualdesign: Materialien und Techniken” by Hannes Bäuerle and Joachim Stumpp (Munich: DVA, 2010). The book is an international anthology of buildings and projects illustrating how new materials, innovative fabrication techniques, and the use of prototyping are re-defining contemporary architecture. An English edition is expected to be released next year by Random House.
01 October 2010 I Dwell: “Back to Basics”
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is featured in Dwell’s Fall 2010 “Make it Yours” Special Edition.
01 September 2010 I Record Interiors: Salve Staff Canteen
Architectural Record is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Salve Staff Canteen at the Pfister Hotel.
26 August 2010 I OS House in The New York Times
Johnsen Schmaling’s LEED Platinum-certified OS House in Racine is the subject of a feature article in The New York Times, calling it “a climate-controlled structure of glass, steel and concrete that offers a sweeping view of the water – and the future.”
15 August 2010 I The Blatz featured in Globes
Johnsen Schmaling’s Bottle Doors at the Blatz are featured in an article in the weekend magazine of the Israel’s Globes newspaper.
10 August 2010 I Johnsen Schmaling’s projects new books
Several projects by Johnsen Schmaling are included in the newly released book “Architecture Highlights” by Yanli Hu (Beijing: Shanglin A&C), an survey of contemporary architecture, and in “2010 International Interior Design Yearbook” (Hong Kong: Madison Series, 2010). In addition, Johnsen Schmaling’s Welcome Center is featured in the book “Transformers: Reuse, Renewal and Renovation in Contemporary Architecture” by Wang Shaoqiang (Beijing: Sandu, 2010), and the Ferrous House is included in “Architecture Zone III” (Hong Kong: Rihan, 2010), a “collection of cutting-edge architecture from around the globe.”
16 July 2010 I New Book: “Affordable Architecture”
Two projects by Johnsen Schmaling are featured in Stephen Crafti’s upcoming book “Affordable Architecture” (IPG, Sydney). The book “documents 40 projects from Europe, the United States, Japan, and Australia, highlighting the fact that strong ideas are often more valuable than unlimited budgets.”
20 May 2010 I 2010 National AIA Small Projects Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s design for Salve, the staff canteen at Milwaukee’s Pfister Hotel, won a National Small Project Awards from the American Institute of Architects. The Award will be announced in Miami on May 28, 2010.
04 May 2010 I 2010 National AIA Housing Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling won a prestigious National AIA Housing Design Award for the design of Ferrous House in Spring Prairie, Wisconsin. The house is a radical reinvention of an obsolete suburban residence.
29 April 2010 I Two AIA Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s designs for Salve, a staff canteen at Milwaukee’s venerable Pfister Hotel, and for the O-S House, a LEED Platinum-certified private residence in Racine, WI, won two Merit Awards from the AIA Wisconsin.
01 April 2010 I O-S House receives LEED Platinum
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) awarded Johnsen Schmaling’s O-S House in Racine LEED Platinum certification, the highest possible rating of a building’s environmental sustainability. “As a LEED certified home, the O-S House serves as a model of greener living for the entire community,” according to Nate Kredich, Vice President of Residential Market Development for the U.S. Green Building Council.
01 March 2010 I 2009 Wood Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Camouflage House won a 2009 Wood Design Award, commending it for “pushing the boundaries of conventional wood building practices and highlight the special qualities, versatility and sheer beauty of wood as a building material.” The project will be included in an upcoming book featuring all award-winning projects, and in the Winter 2010 issue of Wood Design & Building Magazine.
26 February 2010 I AIA Houston
Johnsen Schmaling is an invited juror for the 2010 AIA Houston Design Awards.
19 January 2010 I Lecture at the University of Toronto
Johnsen Schmaling will lecture on their work at the University of Toronto School of Architecture, Landscape and Design tonight at 6:30 pm. as part of the 2010 Bulthaup Lecture Series. This spring, Johnsen Schmaling is visiting faculty at the school, where they teach a graduate design studio on large-scale housing in the urban periphery.
16 January 2010 I Eben Magazine
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is featured in the new issue of the Spanish design magazine “Eben”.
15 January 2010 I New Book: “New Bars & Restaurants”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar is featured in Jacobo Krauel’s newly released book “New Bars & Restaurants” (Links, Barcelona), a “cross-section of some of the most cutting-edge hospitality hotspots in the world.”
29 December 2009 I New Book: “Architecture X-Files”
Two Johnsen Schmaling projects are featured in the newly released Book “Architecture X-Files” (Rihan, Hong Kong), a collection of “architectural projects from around the world that push the global design envelope.”
14 November 2009 I Lectures at University of Oklahoma
Johnsen Schmaling is an invited juror for the 2011 AIA Chicago Small Projects Awards.
10 November 2009 I Umran Magazine: “Ferrous House”
The Saudi Arabian architecture journal “Umran” is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House in this months issue.
01 November 2009 I Bruce Goff Chair
Johnsen Schmaling has been appointed the Bruce Goff Chair of Creative Architecture at the University of Oklahoma. The Bruce Goff Chair of Creative Architecture was established in the early 1980s, shortly after Goff's death, and elevated to an endowed chair in 1998: “Each year outstanding architects with unusual design talent are brought to the university to teach and work with architecture students.”
01 November 2009 I “Architecture Now"
Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar is featured in Philip Jodidio’s new book “Architecture Now: Restaurants and Bars” (Taschen, Cologne). The book focuses on “current trends bringing architecture and design together in new and exciting ways.”
15 October 2009 I Johnsen Schmaling Architects in Moscow
Two projects by Johnsen Schmaling Architects are featured in the exhibit “Zodchestvo 2009”, focusing on contemporary American architecture. The exhibition, organized by the Russian Union of Architects, opens today in Moscow.
14 October 2009 I Lecture at Iowa State University
Johnsen Schmaling is speaking tonight at the Iowa State University College of Design, giving the opening keynote lecture at the Central States Region/AIA Iowa Convention.
10 October 2009 I New Book: “U.S. Architecture”
Two Johnsen Schmaling’s projects are featured in the newly released book “U.S. Architecture” by Michelle Galindo (Braun, Berlin), a collection of the “most noteworthy contemporary architecture” in North America.
05 October 2009 I A/L Magazine: “Sign of the Times”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Palomar Welcome Center is featured in this month’s issue of “A/L: Architectural Lighting”, calling the project “an inventive and enthusiastic reminder of the power of design as a catalyst for urban reinvention.”
24 September 2009 I New Book: “New Rural Architecture”
Two Johnsen Schmaling projects are featured in the newly released book “100 Country Homes: New Rural Architecture” by Beth Browne (Images Publishing, Sydney).
02 September 2009 I Eisner Museum: “Unseen Works”
Three projects by Johnsen Schmaling Architects are featured in the exhibit “Unseen Works”, which opens today at the Eisner Museum of Advertising & Design and will be on display until March 2010. Johnsen Schmaling’s installation was generously sponsored by the Milwaukee chapter of the American Institute of Architects.
01 September 2009 I New Book: “Details in Architecture”
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is featured in the newly released book “Details in Architecture: Creative Detailing by Leading Architects” by Peter Hall (IPG, Melbourne). The book focuses on “the work of the world’s most highly acclaimed architects and interior architects and presents the most recently completed and influential building designs.”
15 July 2009 I “Tranquil Life: Ferrous House”
“Interior Design Magazine”, Taiwan’s leading interior design publication, is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House in its July issue.
15 June 2009 I Architectural Review: Ferrous House
Architectural Review is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House on its website.
20 May 2009 I Two AIA Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s design for the Palomar Welcome Center won an Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects in Wisconsin. In addition, Johnsen Schmaling won a Merit Award for the design of Blur Loft, a private residence in downtown Milwaukee.
07 May 2009 I WRC Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling Architects won a 2009 Western Red Cedar Architectural Design Award for their design of Camouflage House.
16 May 2009 I Panelite Case Study 2009 Exhibition
A full-scale mock-up of Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar light ribbon is featured in this years Panelite Case Study Exhibition, one of six projects highlighted in the show. The exhibit opens today as part of New York’ ICFF and will travel to Los Angeles in June.
05 May 2009 I New Book: “Drink!”
Johnsen Schmaling’s design for Downtown Bar is featured in the newly released book “Drink!” presenting “40 contemporary projects from New York to Shanghai, from innovative young designers as well as established architects.”
02 May 2009 I Johnsen Schmaling in San Francisco
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will participate in a moderated panel discussion at the AIA National Convention in San Francisco, followed by a presentation about their work as one of twelve “critically acclaimed emerging voices in American architecture.”
01 May 2009 I Johnsen Schmaling wins RA Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling won a 2009 Merit Award from Residential Architect Magazine for its design of Ferrous House.
15 April 2009 I National AIA Small Project Honor Awards
Johnsen Schmaling Architects wins two Small Projects Honor Awards from the American Institute of Architects for the Blatz and for Ferrous House.
10 April 2009 I Vision: “The Light in Milwaukee”
The Chinese design magazine Vision is featuring Johnson Schmaling’s Downtown Bar and the Blatz in its April ’09 isue.
01 April 2009 I New Book: Compositions in Architecture
Johnsen Schmaling’s Urban Infill 02 is included in Don Hanlon’s “Compositions in Architecture” (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2009), a newly released textbook that “reveals the formal structures in architecture throughout the world as well as through the ages.”
26 March 2009 I Lecture in Wichita
Johnsen Schmaling will lecture today on their work at Newman University’s De Mattias Fine Arts Center, part of the AIA Wichita lecture series.
10 March 2009 I Johnsen Schmaling wins RA Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling won a 2009 Merit Award from Residential Architect Magazine for its design of Ferrous House.
01 March 2009 I New Book: “Architecture Now: Houses”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Camouflage House is featured in Philip Jodidios’ new book “Architecture Now: Houses” (Taschen, Cologne) as one of “the most remarkable houses built in the past five years worldwide.”
01 March 2009 I House of the Year Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House won the 2009 House of the Year Award from Custom Home Magazine and will be featured in its May issue.
19 February 2009 I Lecture at Taliesin West
Johnsen Schmaling Architects will lecture on their work at the Taliesin School of Architecture in Phoenix on February 19.
01 February 2009 I “Infill: New Houses for Urban Sites”
Johnsen Schmaling’s work is featured in the newly released book “Infill: New Houses for Urban Sites” by Annabel Biles and Adam Mornement (Laurence King Publishers, London). The book “profiles 39 innovative and imaginative urban dwellings around the world.”
03 January 2009 I Frame: “Wunder Bar”
The Dutch design magazine “Frame” is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar in its January/February 2009 issue.
01 December 2008 I Dwell: “Opened House”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House is featured in the December/January issue of Dwell.
12 November 2008 I Johnsen Schmaling at AIA Minnesota
Johnsen Schmaling Architects is an invited juror for the 2008 AIA Minnesota Honor Awards program and will lecture on their recent work at the AIA convention in Minneapolis on November 13.
05 November 2008 I Vision: “Poetic Habitation”
The Chinese design magazine Vision is featuring four projects by Johnsen Schmaling in its November issue.
01 November 2008 I Two ALA Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar and Ferrous House received ALA Gold Medals, the top design awards from the Association of Licensed Architects.
01 November 2008 I Architecture and Detail
Johnsen Schmaling’s Camouflage House is featured in the November 2008 issue of “Architecture & Detail”, the Chinese edition of “Detail” magazine, focusing on the building’s innovative envelope.
31 September 2008 I “Eat! Best of Restaurant Design”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar is featured in the newly released book “Eat! Best of Restaurant Design” (Braun, Berlin), which focuses on innovative restaurant design worldwide.
05 September 2008 I WSJ Magazine: Hidden Value
Johnsen Schmaling’s Camouflage House is featured in the inaugural issue of WSJ, the Wall Street Journal’s new monthly magazine.
01 September 2008 I 2008 Record Interiors: Downtown Bar
Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar, winner of this year’s Record Interiors Award, is featured in the September issue of Architectural Record, along with 6 other projects in Tokyo, New York, Beijing, and Boston. In addition, Johnsen Schmaling’s Blatz project is highlighted in the same issue in an article about noteworthy interior details.
31 August 2008 I “1000x Architecture of the Americas”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Ferrous House is featured in the newly released book “1000x Architecture of the Americas” (Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin).
01 August 08 I Interni&Décor: “Dynamic Expressions”
Johnsen Schmaling’s Downtown Bar is featured in the July 2008 issue of the Korean design magazine Interni&Décor.
08 July 2008 I Architectural Record: AIA Housing Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s Urban Infill 02 project is featured in this month’s issue of Architectural Record as one of 18 nprojects that received a national AIA Housing Design Award.
05 July 2008 I Johnsen Schmaling at Aedes Gallery
Johnsen Schmaling is one of five American design firms featured in the exhibit “Insight USA/Shaping the Future: CityScapes/LandScapes/SeaScapes” at the Berlin architecture gallery Aedes. The exhibit opens today in conjunction with the grand opening of the new U.S. embassy in Berlin and runs through September 7, 2008. The exhibition catalogue includes short essays by Michael Sorkin, David Sokol, Richard Sommer, Anne Guiney, among others.
02 May 2008 I Feature in Korean magazine
Johnsen Schmaling Architect’s residential work is featured in the May issue of the Korean design magazine Interni&Décor.
31 April 2008 I Three AIA Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling’s design for Café Luna and Urban Infill 02 won two 2008 Honor Awards from the American Institute of Architects - Wisconsin. In addition, Johnsen Schmaling won an AIA Merit Award for the Ferrous House.
15 April 2008 I Johnsen Schmaling featured in new book
Johnsen Schmaling is featured in the newly released book “Pure Plastic” by Chris van Uffelen (Verlagshaus Braun, Berlin 2008).
01 April 2008 I e-Oculus: “Experiments with Donuts…”
e-Oculus features a review of Johnsen Schmaling’s lecture at the New Museum in New York.
13 March 2008 I National AIA Award
Johnsen Schmaling won a 2008 National Housing Design Award from the American Institute of Architects for Urban Infill 02.
10 March 2008 I Architectural Review: “Abstract Nature”
This month’s issue of Architectural Review is featuring the Camouflage House as one of 20 innovative houses from around the world.
07 March 2008 I Architect’s Newspaper: Emerging Voices
Johnsen Schmaling Architects is featured in an article in the current issue of Architect’s Newspaper about the Architectural League of New York’s “Emerging Voices” awards.
01 March 2008 I Residential Architect Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Urban Infill 02 project won a 2008 Merit Award from Residential Architect magazine.
01 March 2008 I In-Out: “A Discernable House in Nature”
The Chinese design magazine In-Out features the Camouflage House in this month’s issue.
15 February 2008 I New Book features Johnsen Schmaling
The book “Contemporary Color Design” (Daab Publishers, Cologne) was released this month, featuring two projects from Johnsen Schmaling Architects. The book focuses on the use of color in contemporary architecture around the world.
30 January 2008 I “2008 Emerging Voice”
The Architectural League of New York named Johnsen Schmaling Architects a 2008 Emerging Voice. The program honors “architects who are beginning to achieve prominence in the profession.” Johnsen Schmaling Architects will lecture on their work in March at the New Museum in New York and at the National Building Museum in Washington.
03 January 2008 I 2008 Interiors Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s design for the Blatz won one of 12 national 2008 Interiors Awards from Contract magazine, which will feature the project in this month’s issue.
01 December 2007 I Beautiful Homes: “Woodland Calm”
Camouflage House is featured in the Winter issue of Beautiful Homes magazine.
20 November 2007 I Interior Design: “Past and Future”
Interior Design magazine is featuring the Blatz in its November Issue.
10 November 2007 I Johnsen Schmaling in Azure
The magazine Azure is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s design of pivoting bottle doors in this month’s “Material World” section.
01 November 2007 I Competitions magazine
The Fall issue of Competitions magazine is featuring Johnsen Schmaling’s winning entry in last year’s Ferrous Park International Design Competition for sustainable artists’ housing in Kansas City.
15 October 2007 I Plan magazine: “Schoolyard/Backyard”
The Irish architecture magazine Plan is featuring Johnsen Schmaling Architects.
29 September 2007 I “Tendenza Identità Camouflage”
D Casa, the design magazine published by Italy’s largest newspaper La Repubblica, features the Camouflage House in its September issue.
15 September 2007 I Johnsen Schmaling in Dwell
This month’s issue of Dwell is featuring the Camouflage House in its “Houses We Love” section.
12 September 2007 I Three ALA Design Awards
Three projects by Johnsen Schmaling receive design awards from the Association of Licensed Architects.
10 September 2007 I Builder Magazine Design Award
The Camouflage House wins a national design award from Builder magazine.
10 July 2007 I Architectural Record: House of the Month
The Camouflage House is Architectural Record's featured "House of the Month"
26 June 2007 I “Young Americans” exhibitions opens
Johnsen Schmaling is featured in the exhibition “Young Americans – Neue Architektur in den USA” at the DAM (German Architecture Museum) in Frankfurt, June 27 – September 9, 2007. Johnsen Schmaling’s work is also featured in the upcoming book “Young Americans” by Beate Engelhorn (DOM Publishers).
16 May 2007 I Two AIA Wisconsin Honor Awards
Johnsen Schmaling receives two of the three top design awards from the AIA Wisconsin, for the Blatz and the Camouflage House.
01 May 2007 I Metropolis: “Into the Woods”
Metropolis Magazine features the Camouflage House in its May 2007 issue.
05 March 2007 I Home of the Year Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Camouflage House wins the Home of the Year Award from Custom Home Magazine for the Camouflage House, and a Grand Design Award for the Parts House Pavilion.
03 March 2007 I Lecture at SCAD
Johnsen Schmaling gives keynote address and lecture on their work at the Savannah College of Art in Design, in conjunction with the International Conference on the Beginning Design Student.
02 March 2007 I Project of the Year Award
Johnsen Schmaling’s Camouflage House wins Residential Architect Magazine’s Project of the Year Awards, featured in this month’s issue.
26 February 2007 I Exhibit at UWM
Johnsen Schmaling’s Urban Infill 01 is one of 16 residential projects from the last 150 years featured in the exhibit “Reweaving the Neighborhood,” at the AUP Gallery at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, organized by the AIA Milwaukee.
01 November 2006 I “Up and Comer of the Year” Award
Johnsen Schmaling received the “Up and Comer of the Year” Award from Wisconsin Builder Magazine.
02 October 2006 I ALA Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling wins two design awards from the Association of Licensed Architects for the House in the Woods and for Urban Infill 01.
05 September 2006 I Builder Magazine Design Awards
Johnsen Schmaling receives two national design awards from Builder Magazine.
01 September 2006 I Johnsen Schmaling wins RFP
Johnsen Schmaling’s design for a $100 million mixed-use project in wins an RFP for a downtown city block in Milwaukee’s Park East Corridor. The development will include environmentally sustainable features, roof gardens and a public plaza with the goal to obtain LEED certification.
01 July 2006 I Johnsen Schmaling Wins Design Competition
Johnsen Schmaling Architects wins the “Ferrous Park International Design Competition” with its design for a componentized mixed-use complex in Kansas City.
10 June 2006 I Exhibit at Seattle Architecture Foundation
Johnsen Schmaling’s Veil House is featured in an Exhibit at the Seattle Architecture Foundation, June 10th - July 8th, 2006.
11 May 2006 I Lecture: “Contexture”
Johnsen Schmaling presents recent work at the 2006 AIA Wisconsin Convention in Madison.
01 May 2006 I Grand Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling Architects win a Grand Design Award from residential Architect Magazine for the Parts House Pavilion.
01 March 2006 I “Sheltering Birches”
Residential Architect Magazine features Johnsen Schmaling’s House in the Woods project, emphasizing its sustainable features and contextually sensitive architecture.
12 October 2005 I Lecture: “Surface Notions”
Johnsen Schmaling is a featured speaker at the 2005 AIA Nebraska Convention in Omaha.
18 May 2005 I “Bright Lights, Big City”
Johnsen Schmaling is an invited panelist at the Young Architects Forum at the 2005 AIA National Convention in Las Vegas.
01 May 2005 I AIA Wisconsin Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling wins an AIA Wisconsin Design Award for Urban Infill 01.
01 April 2005 I AIA Housing Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling Architects’ Urban Infill 01 wins a National Housing Design Award from the American Institute of Architects.
14 February 2005 I Exhibit in Chicago Gallery
The exhibit “Johnsen Schmaling – Extending the Surface” opens in Chicago’s I-Space gallery. The show features models, drawings, and photography of Johnsen Schmaling’s recent work and is the Chicago Tribune’s “Critic’s Choice.”
01 February 2005 I Emerging Architect
Johnsen Schmaling is the featured emerging architecture office by Architectural Record.
01 August 2004 I Parts House Pavilion in Monitor
Johnsen Schmaling’s Parts House Pavilion is featured in this month’s issue of the European design magazine Monitor.
01 March 2004 I Dwell: “Mood Swings”
This month’s Dwell features the Parts House Pavilion.
01 February 2004 I AIA Wisconsin Design Award
Johnsen Schmaling Architects’ Parts House Pavilion wins a design award from the AIA Wisconsin.