2021 Finalist, American Dental Associates Design Awards
gallery and studio
2020 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum 2020 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
broadway housing
2020 Housing Design Award, National AIA
egg harbor lodge I
2020 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
d street housing
2020 Merit Award, AIA Wisconsin
oak park housing
2019 HIVE 50 Innovation in Housing Award, Hanley Wood 2019 Housing Design Award, National AIA
broadway housing
2019 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
oak park housing
2018 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum 2018 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
belay mke
2018 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum
pleated house
2018 Winner, Marvin Architects Challenge
2018 Merit Award, AIA Wisconsin
510 house
2017 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum 2017 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
linear cabin
2017 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum
bayshore dental
2017 Healthcare Design Award, National AIA/AAH 2017 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2017 Project of the Year Award, Dental Office Design Competition
belay mke
2017 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
pleated house
2016 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum
linear cabin
2016 Merit Award, Wood Design & Building 2016 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2016 Small Projects Awards, National AIA
mountain house
2016 Merit Award, AIA Wisconsin
topo house
2016 Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize Nomination, IIT
national WWI
2015 Finalist, National WWI Memorial Design Competition
redux house
2016 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
nexus house
2015 Merit Award, AIA Wisconsin
topo house
2015 American Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum
pleated house
2015 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2015 Award, Residential Architect Design Awards 2015 Small Projects Awards, National AIA
redaction house
2014 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2014 Small Projects Awards, National AIA 2014 Award, Residential Architect Design Awards
topo house
2014 Housing Design Award, National AIA 2014 Small Projects Awards, National AIA 2014 Citation, Residential Architect Design Awards
studio for a composer
2013 Small Projects Awards, National AIA
nexus house
2013 Small Projects Awards, National AIA
topo house
2013 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
studio for a composer
2012 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2012 Metal Architecture Design Awards, Metal Architecture 2012 Finalist, AZ Awards
johnsen schmaling
2012 Firm of the Year, Residential Architect
os house
2012 Small Projects Awards, National AIA
stacked cabin
2012 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2012 Small Projects Awards, National AIA 2012 Merit Award, Residential Architect Design Awards
os house
2011 Annual Design Review Award, Architect 2011 National AIA/COTE Top Ten Projects Award, National AIA 2011 Architype Review Award 2011 Merit Award, Residential Architect Design Awards 2011 Housing Design Award, National AIA 2011 Merit Award, Custom Home Design Awards
johnsen schmaling
2011 Design Vanguard, Architectural Record
layton pavilion
2011 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2011 Small Projects Awards, National AIA
ferrous house
2010 Housing Design Award, National AIA
salve staff canteen
2010 Small Projects Awards, National AIA 2010 Merit Award, AIA Wisconsin
os house
2010 Merit Award, AIA Wisconsin
camouflage house
2010 Citation Award, Wood Design Awards
the blatz
2009 Small Projects Awards, National AIA
Palomar Welcome Center
2009 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
blur loft
2009 Merit Award, AIA Wisconsin
ferrous house
2009 Small Projects Awards, National AIA 2009 Merit Award, Residential Architect Design Awards 2009 Home of the Year Award, Custom Home Design Awards
camouflage house
2009 Merit Award, Western Red Cedar Architectural Design Awards
johnsen schmaling
2008 Emerging Voices, The Architectural League of New York
downtown bar
2008 Record Interiors Award, Architectural Record 2008 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2008 Gold Medal, ALA
blur loft
2008 Gold Award, Milwaukee Home Magazine
the blatz
2008 National Design Award, Contract
urban infill 02
2008 Housing Design Award, National AIA 2008 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2008 Grand Design Award, Residential Architect Design Awards 2007 Merit Award, ALA
ferrous house
2008 Honor Award, AIA National 2008 Silver Award, Milwaukee Home Magazine 2008 Gold Medal, ALA
camouflage house
2007 Project of the Year Award, Residential Architect 2007 Home of the Year, Custom Home 2007 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin 2007 Golden Award, ALA 2007 Merit Award, ALA 2007 Builder's Choice Design Award, Builder Magazine
the blatz
2007 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin
artist co-op
2006 Winner, Ferrous Park International Design Competition
house in the woods
2006 Design Award, ALA
sydney hih
2006 Winner, Sydney Hih Block Design Competition
urban infill 01
2006 Grand Design Award, Custom Home 2006 Design Award, ALA 2006 Builder's Choice Design Award, Builder Magazine 2005 Honor Award, AIA Wisconsin